Demostrar conocimiento y uso del lenguaje en conversaciones, discusiones y exposiciones por medio de las siguientes funciones: - expresar cantidades, contar y enumerar; por ejemplo: two/four thousand/one million; enough/no money/time - identificar y describir objetos, lugares y personas; por ejemplo: it’s a big Brown building; they are French; the man in…; the woman with… - expresar dirección; por ejemplo: into the bank; out of the store; from the supermarket; to school - solicitar y dar información sobre posesión; por ejemplo: Whose wallet is this? It belongs to a friend of mine/ his; It’s hers/theirs; Which is yours? - señalar frecuencia, grado y tiempo de acciones; por ejemplo: he has worked here since 2015; I studied French five years ago - describir acciones pasadas que continúan en el presente; por ejemplo: I have saved money to buy a bike; I have never seen that program; Have you ever eaten insects? I have studied for three days. - conectar ideas; por ejemplo: he came and then we watched the film; it was far so we took the bus; I’ll wait until Monday; the library is the best in town. It also has… - entregar información esencial o adicional; por ejemplo: Simon is the boy who lives next door; the science book, which I borrowed from the library, is very interesting - describir procesos y acciones realizadas en las que el agente es desconocido o no es importante; por ejemplo: the money was found on the floor; rooms are cleaned daily; plastic is produced from oil.
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Demostrar conocimiento y uso del lenguaje en conversaciones, discusiones y exposiciones por medio de las siguientes funciones: - expresar cantidades, contar y enumerar; por ejemplo: two/four thousand/one million; enough/no money/time - identificar y describir objetos, lugares y personas; por ejemplo: it’s a big Brown building; they are French; the man in…; the woman with… - expresar dirección; por ejemplo: into the bank; out of the store; from the supermarket; to school - solicitar y dar información sobre posesión; por ejemplo: Whose wallet is this? It belongs to a friend of mine/ his; It’s hers/theirs; Which is yours? - señalar frecuencia, grado y tiempo de acciones; por ejemplo: he has worked here since 2015; I studied French five years ago - describir acciones pasadas que continúan en el presente; por ejemplo: I have saved money to buy a bike; I have never seen that program; Have you ever eaten insects? I have studied for three days. - conectar ideas; por ejemplo: he came and then we watched the film; it was far so we took the bus; I’ll wait until Monday; the library is the best in town. It also has… - entregar información esencial o adicional; por ejemplo: Simon is the boy who lives next door; the science book, which I borrowed from the library, is very interesting - describir procesos y acciones realizadas en las que el agente es desconocido o no es importante; por ejemplo: the money was found on the floor; rooms are cleaned daily; plastic is produced from oil.
Inglés (Propuesta) - 8 Básico - Objetivo de Aprendizaje