Los ciclos de vida de los reptiles (Reptile Life Cycles)
Some reptiles lay eggs and some give birth to live young. In this book, readers learn about the reptile life cycle beginning in both ways. The main content gives a simple overview of the steps included in the reptile life cycle accompanied by helpful diagrams to aid readers’ understanding of this common science curriculum topic. Written with struggling readers in mind, this volume gives explanations in accessible language, which also makes it an excellent source for any reader to review the topic.
Acceso a Biblioteca Digital Escolar
Tipo: Lecturas / Libros BDE
Asignatura: Inglés
Fuente o Colección: Biblioteca Digital Escolar
Autor: Bray Jacobson
Modalidad: Educación General
Palabras claves: Libros en inglés / Disponible para uso simultáneo / animales / reptiles
ISBN: 9781538215159
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